We at Jeff Tech are committed to the academic achievement of our students because we understand that education lays a solid foundation for a successful future. Our curriculum adheres to Pennsylvania state standards in all subjects, including the core areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Academic Departments
Each of our subject area teachers works hard to provide our students with the knowledge they need to meet and exceed state academic standards. Learn more about each department and the courses we offer.
Arts & Humanities
We offer the arts and humanities classes at Jeff Tech as elective courses. Students can choose these courses for their schedule along with their academics and CTE area. These courses examine human culture and may include the disciplines of visual arts, performance art, music, literature, history, philosophy, psychology, foreign language, communications, journalism, and law. These disciplines explore, create, and recreate expressions of the human experience. Arts and humanities courses explore the ways in which people have expressed their understanding of themselves and the world. Students develop proficient communication skills in the written and spoken forms as well as through artistic expression. Core skills, abilities, creativity, and knowledge equip students to become artistic innovators.
Arts & Humanities Courses:
The English Department focuses on helping students obtain the skills necessary for effective communication with others. English courses provide students with opportunities to develop and enhance their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Each course focuses on using and developing the skills necessary to learn from and present information in an effective manner as well as prepare students for the Keystone Exams. Successful completion of each course will provide students with a solid foundation as they move on to postsecondary educational opportunities or into the workforce.
English Courses:
Health & Physical Education
The health and physical education courses at Jeff Tech prepare students to face the many health issues of today. Students study human function, diseases, drugs, teen pregnancy, parenting, and the many preventative measures needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Successful completion of these courses prepares students to enter into society and maintain a healthy balance in their life so they can become successful in today’s society.
Health & P.E. Courses:
The math courses at Jeff Tech help students build a solid mathematical foundation to ensure success in the 21st century. Students study both abstract examples and real-world applications from career and technical areas. This contextual approach to mathematics enables students to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Successful completion of the prescribed courses helps prepare students for future careers, NOCTI, and Keystone Exams as well as post-secondary educational opportunities.
Math Courses:
Science courses at Jeff Tech focus heavily on the life and biological sciences necessary to be successful following high school as well as on the Keystone Exams. Building both a conceptual and practical understanding of scientific principles prepares each student for success in postsecondary educational opportunities as well as the workforce. With the successful completion of each course, students develop a solid understanding of the world around them and their individual impact on it.
Science Courses:
Social Studies
Social studies courses focus on developing citizenship and social responsibility through the study of history, cultures, economics, and civics. Each course at Jeff Tech focuses on helping students develop the necessary skills to take on diverse, lifelong roles as learners, friends, family members, consumers, workers, and citizens as well as enhances students’ feelings of connectivity to their community, state, nation, and the world at large.
Social Studies Courses: