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Jeff Tech"The School of Choice"
Aerial view of Jeff Tech Campus

Employment Opportunities

We are actively seeking talented people to join our team. If you have an interest in working for Jeff Tech, please complete the following for consideration of employment.

Upon hiring, complete and submit the following items:

  • Act 114 Clearance - FBI Fingerprint Record
    • Register with IdentoGO and enter service code 1KG6NX click go; schedule or manage appointment if you see an option to choose employment, select that option; enter your personal information and submit. Or you may call 1 (844) 321.2101 (Monday through Friday) to register for fingerprinting. Once you register, confirm your appointment with the fingerprinting site. After being fingerprinted, you will receive a receipt that contains your UEID number, which you will need to provide to us. The cost of the clearance will be payable at the fingerprint site by debit or credit. IdentoGo will not accept cash or checks as payment.
  • Applicable Certifications

 Jeff Tech Faculty & Staff Job Openings

Administrative Openings
Adult Education Faculty Positions
High School Faculty Positions
Staff Positions
Substitute Positions

Jeff Tech is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in its activities, programs, or employment practices. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact our Title IX Coordinator Sherry Hasselman by email or at (814) 653-8265, ext. 117. Additional information can be found on the Title IX page. Jeff Tech is continuing to update this website to ADA compliance